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"The Children of the Gulf War Australian National Tour "
                                 by Chris Henderson

   日本語訳 千早さん


Brisbane City Hall (Queensland)

Brisbane City Hall (Queensland)

a)  How did you come to know about Takashi's photos?  And what made you decide to hold his exhibition?  Motives, and your thoughts.

The Children of the Gulf War Australian National Tour was conceived in December 2002 when Melody Kemp, a WILPF (Womens International League for Peace and Freedom) member and international health development worker based in Asia, heard via the internet about Takashi Morizumis photo exhibition, and the powerful response to his work in the US.

As a health worker, Melody already knew about the dangers of DepletedUranium and the increase in major illness in Iraq since the Gulf War, including a 250,000% increase in children born without eyes (anopthalmos).

Melody contacted me, Chris Henderson - another member of WILPF which is a voluntary, non-profit organisation dedicated to peace, equality, human rights and an end to war and nuclear weapons.

Together, we worked on bringing Takashi-sans exhibition to Australia as soon as possible to show the human face of war and to educate people about the dangers of U-238 weapons, the terrible plight of the Iraqi environment, its people and especially the children.

We knew many Australians wanted to find out the real facts about Iraq. We believed these photographs would provide important information to help individuals make up their own minds about what they - and the Australian government - should be doing.

The Australian mainstream media wasnt giving this information. Instead, military and media censorship was ensuring that modern warfare was presented as clinical, accurate, sanitised, -and safe!! People were prevented from seeing the real and human costs of war, and there was virtually nothing about the use and deadly legacy of DepletedUranium (DU) weapons.

Other members of WILPF also realised how urgent it was to have this exhibition seen widely ? and quickly - by communities across the country.  Within 7 weeks, the complete exhibition had been purchased by WILPF for the people of Australia; a website had been established (www.wilpf.org.au); the exhibition had been launched at the Brisbane City Hall (Queensland) on 12 February 2003; and a national tour was underway, coordinated by Melody, myself and a small band of peace activists.

The tour has been supported by many peace, humanitarian and educational groups including the United Nations Association of Australia and the Medical Association for Prevention of War, the Queensland Peace Network, the Association of Women Educators, and by individual people and businesses.










b) Venues and period of the exhibitions that you have held so far

So far, venues have included:

§         Brisbane City Hall Foyer, Queensland (12-27 February)

§         the University of South Queensland, Toowoomba, Queensland (2-11 March);

§         Canberras Australian Capital Territory Legislative Assembly (20-31 March);

§          the Perth Institute of Contemporary Art, Western Australia;

§         the Wollongong City Council, New South Wales (12-26 May); 

§         Adelaides Universitys Barr Smith Library, South Australia (7 June ? 4 July);  and

§         the Waverley Council Library at Bondi Junction, Sydney, New South Wales (14-28 July).


Remaining 2003 exhibitions will be held at:

§         Mawsons Hut Gallery in Hobart, Tasmania; (14-28 August);

§         the Gold Coast City Council, Queensland (25 September ? 24 October);

§         Maroondah Regional Gallery, Ringwood (near Melbourne), Victoria (6 Novembre ? 20 December).

Based on the level of interest so far, the exhibition is expected to continue touring until at least the end of 2005 in response to requests from many cities and regional centres across the country.


ブリズベン シティー・ホール ロビー













c) Did you encounter any problem for the show, i.e. while negotiating with the halls, any harassment, or financial difficulties?  If yes, how did you overcome those?

Harassment? No, there hasnt been any at all that we know of ? just a couple of negative comments written in the visitorsbook. This is just a drop in the ocean compared to the many thousands of comments that have been extremely positive and supportive of the exhibition. People have been very, very encouraging.

At the start of the tour, the Brisbane City Council was concerned in case the public were offended by some of the shocking images. However they received not one single complaint about the photos! In fact, visitors to the City Hall increased from 400/day to 2000+/day while the exhibition was on display. The City Council was so pleased with the feedback, they hired a second set of the photographs to show at Brisbane community libraries. And the Lord Mayor of Brisbane wrote a letter to other Mayors, telling them about the exhibition and encouraging them to join a Mayors for Peaceinitiative.

Finding exhibition spaces, raising funds, and organising the itinerary and freight arrangements HAVE been challenging though.

Art exhibition venues are often booked up two years in advance, so negotiating halls and exhibition spaces just weeks beforehand has been challenging. What were now finding thoug is that, as news spreads about the exhibitions importance, were being offered non-traditional spaces such as legislative assembly halls, city halls and community spaces (which is great for reaching the public who dont normally visit art galleries), so this problem is now mostly solved. An added benefit is that local peace group organisers generally dont have to pay for the use of these spaces.

Finding the funds to keep the tour going and cover airfreight costs for some of the long, hot, dusty trips (eg Canberra to Perth across the desert) still remains the biggest hurdle. We decided not to charge visitors to the exhibition, and the peace movement, while very supportive, has few funds to assist the tour, so now were approaching trade unions, transport companies and photographic companies to see if they can help to sponsor the project. Fingers crossed! The tour and its messages are far too important to be stopped by a shortage of funds!  







入場は無料にしていますし、平和運動のグループはたいてい資金面で苦しいので、昨今は労働組合、輸送会社や写真関連の企業にスポンサーになってもらえないかと打診しているところです。うまく行くよう祈ってて下さい! このツアーで伝えたいことはとても重要なので、資金難だからといって中止になど出来ません。

d) How did local people get involved in, and what are their thoughts?

This project has been blessed through enormous goodwill and support at local community level, at a national level, across cultures and across countries.

In every place, local people have helped by promoting the exhibition and its messages, organising venues, hanging the photographs, looking after the display, answering visitorsquestions, and photocopying handouts on Iraq and DU. Design and media professionals have even offered their services for free, printing invitations and posters at cost price, and managing press releases and media campaigns.

This generosity has happened at local community level, at a national level, and across cultures and countries - Takashi-san and Yukiko in Hiroshima, the US and UK tour organisers - and the Japanese community in Australia who have supported in many ways including translation and interpretation, promoting the tour, looking after the exhibition and providing advice and friendship in many ways.

The tour is continuing to receive wonderfully positive feedback from local organisers and from visitors to the exhibition.  There is no doubt that Takashi-sans exhibition is helping to highlight the devastating impact of war and U-238 on the environment, civilians and military personnel in Iraq and elsewhere. Its helping to get U-238 issues into mainstream media, and its affirming the messages from Doug Rokke and others who are fearlessly speaking out in Australia and elsewhere about the Weapons of Mass Destruction used by the 'coalition of the willing'. We are all very honoured to be playing a part in helping this to happen.

In Canberra, where the exhibition on display when warwas declared, one of the organisers had this to say about the opening:

So personal, emotional and heartfelt reflected in the words of our compere and in the words of each speaker (special mention is deserved by our young Rose**)... However, it was the photos themselves that spoke most powerfully. No one was untouched.

The putting together of the exhibition and the launch was a joint effort by WILPF ACT members and a number of wonderful supporters ... They did a magnificent job -- and with such a short timeline. I felt immensely proud to be a small part of it.

Thanks for your part in bringing the photos to Australia. As Senator Kate Lundy said, this is the most powerful and important collection of photographs in recent memory. 

**Rose is an eight-year old Australian girl, the same age as Safaa was when Takashi-san photographed her. Rose has been sending origami peace cranes to Australian politicians, and she spoke at the opening of the Children of the Gulf War in Canberra, Australias capital city.

For me, this is the most important peace project I have undertaken in this life. Thank you for the opportunity to write about it for Japanese readers.

For peace, justice, freedom, world understanding and the banning of uranium weapons


Chris Henderson














Comments from the viewers of the exhibition

*This is the best, most graphic and heart wrenching exhibition I have ever seen. It should be viewed by the whole world. War has no winners. [Name supplied], Master Photographer.

*Angry that for 72 hours on all television channels, newspapers + radio we heard of nothing but the September 11th tragedy. Yet this is the FIRST time I have seen or heard any of this.  I saw a sign today that said “Channel 7 ? your anti-war network”. Cashing in on bloodshed is one of the lowest things. It saddens me beyond words that a million people cry out and those with the power to help do nothing but muffle their cries.

*WHY DON’T WE SEE THESE PICTURES IN THE MEDIA? Because they are puppets.
I believe they should pack up this exhibition, take it to America and plaster these pictures to the walls of George Bush’s bedroom, to remind him every night of the innocent lives he is so willing to sacrifice.

[Similar comments were repeated hundreds of times, mostly with Howard and Blair added to the list]

*John Howard [Prime Minister of Australia]: Could you seriously look into the eyes of one of these beautiful, innocent Iraqi children and inflict the type of horror we see displayed in these images? I suspect you may say no, but by sending our troops you transfer your responsibility and guilt to others. I am deeply grieved by what humans can do to each other.

*This is what collateral damage looks like. So many faces of suffering children. Give them medicine ? it is the very least we can do. And NEVER let it happen again.

*I never knew about depleted uranium and its effects. You’d think that 50 plus years after Hiroshima and Nagasaki we’d find more civilized and peaceful ways to avoid conflict. Those that are to blame always seem to escape, the innocent suffer. There is still hope for change.

*It gives me hope, because it’s here and people an see what is really going on. It will change anyone’s value system. Is that new Holden [car] so important? Do I need to wear so much makeup? The truth is that the 3rd world lives in hell to support the 1st. Its time for people to wake up! Money is nothing. Love is all you need!

*It is good to finally meet the real people of Iraq who until now have been kept from us. Even if you can argue the case for war you cannot argue the case for depleted uranium weaponry. This weapon must be banned immediately.

*Ashamed to be Australian.




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